Welcome to the Tom's Webdesign MiniAlbum Demo.


I decided to create MiniAlbum to create a simple way for my clients to create a photo gallery without use of a more complex system using a database. This solution works great for small galleries, however if you have many images and albums worth of photo's to manage, you would be much better off using a database driven system (such as 4images gallery)

I made this script to have a simple gallery system that would make it easy for my clients to add images to it. The basic principle here is to get a list of all files in a given directory and output it in an album style. To add images, you would simply upload them using a FTP program to the directory defined in your settings file. The MiniAlbum system will automatically generate thumbnail images as necessary (using the GD Image Library.) All the script settings are contained in the 'settings.txt' file to make it easier for someone to change the settings to suit their needs.

Minialbum uses a template file, 'index.tmpl', to create the gallery view of the image directory.

This file ('index.html') works as a stub file for the master script 'minialbum.pl' to make it easier to include headers and footers (and for this document.) Then we use a Server Side Includes directive to include the gallery at the bottom of this page.

At this time I do not offer the source files available for direct download. This script is free to all of my clients. If you are not a client, please contact me for licence information.

Known Issues and Limitations:
  1. Thumbnails are generated once, MiniAlbum does not detect changes to refresh thumbnails. To refresh a thumbnail, delete the thumbnail file. Using the web uploader will always force the system to refresh a thumbnail even if the image file already exists!
  2. Thumbnails are not automatically deleted when the main image is deleted.
  3. MiniAlbum creates a cache of image data. It does not yet detect changed images. It only detects new images. This is used to determine if it should create or use a thumbnail. For this reason, this solution isn't good for large image libraries greater than 50.
  4. Images can be added via FTP program OR using a web browser! Upload a photo. Try It!
  5. Web image upload is not password protected (Yet!)
MiniAlbum Demo:

Below you are viewing the script output for the '/Scripts/minialbum/photos' directory on this server

View the output using tomswebdesign.net headers and footers.

Software error:

Can't locate settings.txt in @INC (@INC contains: C:/usr/site/lib C:/usr/vendor/lib C:/usr/lib) at D:/Inetpub/wwwroot/tomswebdesign/Scripts/minialbum/minialbum.pl line 29.

For help, please send mail to the webmaster (tpenwell@gmail.com), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.